Written by Lowongan Kerja on 19.49FINANCE MARKETING STAFF
If you....
* Male/Female, 19-55 years old and Domicile in Jabodetabek, Java/luar Java.
* Min SMA/D3/S1 graduated from any reputable university , any dicipline
* Good looking and professional
* Have wide/broad relationship will be advantages
* An independent and dynamic individual with good communication and interpersonal skills
* Computer literate
* Interested in earning unlimited income and willing to work for it
* Enjoy meeting people
Your Job...
* Help Manager to manage overall sales and marketing activities, identifying opportunities and execute them accordingly
* Recruit and train marketing staff for skills improvement and development
* develop client's business and provide financial and investment advice for them
You can get...
* Free Full Training and Education Program
* Great and Overseas career opportunities
* Excellent and high income in USD
* Allowance + Commissions + Bonus + Incentives
* Friendly and fun working environment
* Work together with other young and talented professional
Please send your full resume and application to :
hrd_wilkins_ bm@yahoo.
Call : 0819 รข€“ 1145888 ( Bpk. Nikolas )
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Admin Situs Lowongan Kerja Mengajak anda untuk bergabung menghasilkan uang dari internet ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan seperti pekerjaan yang dilakukan orang-orang Luar negeri[Trend Amerika dan Eropa]... anda sudah pernah mencoba namun gagal? [klik disini untuk mengetahui kenapa saya belum berhasil]SYARAT/KETENTUAN: