ACCOUNTING STAFF for Property Management Company in Jakarta
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.26People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail. One of our services is Executive Search
Our client, a Property Management Company in Jakarta is looking for new professionals to join them in :
Qualification :
1. Female, 25 – 30 years
2. Minimal D3 degree from Accounting / Finance / Management
3. 3 years experience in same field
4. Understand program related to finance / accounting
5. Pleasant personality and good communication
Please email your application letter, CV, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to id. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example: yourname-pda 105
Thank you for your kind attention.
pengumuman Penting Untuk Setiap pengunjung Website Ini !!!
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