lowongan kerja Linux Sistem Admin
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 22.20We are an International Recruitment company with major branches in
based in JAPAN and ASEAN, and with Head Office in UK - JAC Indonesia.
We're looking suitable person for LINUX Sistem Admin.
General Requirement:
- Male/female max.30 years old
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science or Information Technology
- 1 years work experience
- Knowledge in Networking based on Linux Various including TCP/IP,
MySQL, Apache Installation, Troubleshooting and management, Shell scripts
- Communicative in English verbal and writing
- Prefered applicant come from JABODETABEK area
- Indonesian Citizen
Please send us your complete CV with detailed job desc of your work
experience (in English) to dinda@jacindonesia. com (dinda @
jacindonesia dot com)
Please write down the position as your email subject.
Closing date : 20 May 2008
Dinda R Yovanti, ST
IT/TELCO Specialist
PT. JAC Indonesia
Head Office
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building) 19th Floor
Jl. M.H.Thamrin No.9
Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Telp.: (+62 21) 315 9504/06 Ext. 261
Fax : (+62 21) 314 7785
Mob : (+62) 856 - 147 8912
Email : dinda@jacindonesia. com
Bekasi Branch
Telp : (+62 21) 8911 7692
Fax : (+62 21) 8911 7693
Bali Branch
Telp / Fax : (+62 361) 762 101
Find us on line: www.jacindonesia. com
No Service Payment from Candidate/Job Seeker
pengumuman Penting Untuk Setiap pengunjung Website Ini !!!
Admin Situs Lowongan Kerja Mengajak anda untuk bergabung menghasilkan uang dari internet ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan seperti pekerjaan yang dilakukan orang-orang Luar negeri[Trend Amerika dan Eropa]... anda sudah pernah mencoba namun gagal? [klik disini untuk mengetahui kenapa saya belum berhasil]SYARAT/KETENTUAN: