Assistant Service Manager for Medan (Steam Turbine Products)
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 09.30We are from ERHA Inspiration, a recruitment consultancy. Our client, a Multinational Company for Steam Turbine, look for suitable candidates to fill the post of:
Jobs and requirements:
• Willing to be locate or domicile in Medan (North Sumatra)
• Managing operation and business in Medan
• Supervise 6 Technicians and 3 Administration
• Searching new business and maintain existing customers
• Mechanical Engineering Background
• Minimum of Age: 34
• Fluent in English is a must
• Good communication skills
• Good knowledge in Rotation Equipment (Alat Putar)
• Experience in handling Turbine products
If you feel you are the right person for the vacant position above, just send your CV to (Put the position code in the e-mail Subject!!!!) : Or
or you may forward this information to any friends or relatives who might be the right person required
Thanks and best regards,
Human Resource Indonesia

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