Sales & Marketing
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 08.02PT. Enerren Technologies, an IT consultant company, is recently seeking for a suitable candidate to fill in vacant position as:
Sales & Marketing
Requirements :
- Female or Male
- Various education background (Bachelor degree of Electro Technical or IT is an advantages)
- 1 – 2 years of working experience in related field
- Have a good interpersonal skilled
- Well adapt, communicative, and fast learner
- Able to work under pressure
Should you meet the above requirements, please submit your detailed CV, expected sallary, current photograph within 1 week to :
lia@enerren. com dan enerrentotal@
Ps: kindly limit your document / file size to 50 Kb, exceeding size will cause automatic delete.
our website :
pengumuman Penting Untuk Setiap pengunjung Website Ini !!!
Admin Situs Lowongan Kerja Mengajak anda untuk bergabung menghasilkan uang dari internet ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan seperti pekerjaan yang dilakukan orang-orang Luar negeri[Trend Amerika dan Eropa]... anda sudah pernah mencoba namun gagal? [klik disini untuk mengetahui kenapa saya belum berhasil]SYARAT/KETENTUAN: