lowongan kerja PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 18.18Aveon Auto Rentals, PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara a car rental company,
having branch in Denpasar - Bali.
Marketing Executive (Code; Marketing)
General Requirement:
* Having domicile in Bali Area;
Specific Requirement:
* Female/Male, D3 Polytechnic, STP or tourism graduate
* Maximum 30 years old of age;
* 1 years of experience in marketing, preferred as marketing in
tourism industry (fresh graduate are welcome);
* Able to communicate in English and Indonesia;
* Able to work as a team player, communicative, energetic and
* Work well under pressure, talented individual who has a desire to be
the best;
* Able to use Microsoft Windows, Office, email and internet.
Send your application and CV with a photograph, by email to
charles.jusung@ aveonrentals. com with MARKETING on the email subject
Or by envelopes with the code MARKETING on the envelope, to:
Aveon Auto Rentals (PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara)
Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai - Domestic Parking Lot
Jl. Raya Tuban, Kuta - Bali
U/p. Branch Manager

pengumuman Penting Untuk Setiap pengunjung Website Ini !!!
Admin Situs Lowongan Kerja Mengajak anda untuk bergabung menghasilkan uang dari internet ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan seperti pekerjaan yang dilakukan orang-orang Luar negeri[Trend Amerika dan Eropa]... anda sudah pernah mencoba namun gagal? [klik disini untuk mengetahui kenapa saya belum berhasil]SYARAT/KETENTUAN: