Lowongan Kerja Cikarang Barat
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 13.38Lowongan Kerja Cikarang Barat
We are Export Oriented Electronics Industry located at Cikarang Barat - Bekasi
Looking for potential & high motivated person to fill position as :
Requirements (kualifikasi kerja):
- Fresh Graduate Degree min. D3 / S1 (Majoring Occupational Health & Safety / K3 / Environ.)
- Male / Female, age maximum 28 years old
- Good analytical, communication and negotiable skill
- Innovative, hard working and able to work under pressure
- Familiar with safety management system (OHSAS 18001, SMK3)
- Excellent in English (oral & written) & willing to work overtime
- Must be able to provide training and develop safety procedure
- Have strong analythical troubleshooting of safety problem
- Area working at Bekasi (Cibitung) Kawasan Industri MM2100
If you meet the above qualification, please send your CV (in MS-Word format) within 1week to : andrie.rahadyan@id.panasonic.com , or yuliani.kusumaningrum@id.panasonic.com
posting oleh:notebook murah ,notebook bekas ,beritanet
pengumuman Penting Untuk Setiap pengunjung Website Ini !!!
Admin Situs Lowongan Kerja Mengajak anda untuk bergabung menghasilkan uang dari internet ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan seperti pekerjaan yang dilakukan orang-orang Luar negeri[Trend Amerika dan Eropa]... anda sudah pernah mencoba namun gagal? [klik disini untuk mengetahui kenapa saya belum berhasil]SYARAT/KETENTUAN: